About Us

reInterpret creates a community culture of reuse.

reInterpret collects clean, reusable cast-off material from industry and individuals. Donors may drop off materials at our studio, or schedule us to pick them up. We warehouse the donated materials and maintain an organized space where members “shop”. We also host educational and professional development opportunities to support the community in using our repurposed materials as learning tools and unlimited creative reuse.

reInterpret exists to:

  • Reduce commercial and residential waste by providing an alternative to landfills.
  • Provide schools and teachers low cost materials so students have access to creative opportunities.
  • Provide a unique opportunity to redesign, re-imagine and rethink how materials could be used.
  • Include young children and students in waste reduction leading to changes in our cultural thinking.

reInterpret is an all-volunteer, California 501(c)3 non-profit organization.